As an Arthur Murray Franchise, the Arthur Murray Dance School has 97 years of experience in teaching ballroom dance. At our studio, you can expect the finest in ballroom dance instruction, as all of our instructors are carefully selected and thoroughly trained in the exclusive Arthur Murray teaching method. Our Arthur Murray certified dance instructors are constantly training on the newest and latest techniques and moves and can put you in touch with today’s most popular social dances.
Each student has a team of dance instructors who are responsible for their progress and keeping them on track. We realize that every student has a unique blend of experiences and backgrounds along with their own style of learning. Over the years, we have learned that by working with a variety of instructors, you will learn at a faster and more efficient pace because you are able to get different points of view and hear things explained in different ways. If you are taking lessons as a couple, for example, it is very important that you each have a male and female perspective on what you are learning. If you are single, it is important that you learn to lead or follow a variety of partners so you can become an adaptable and comfortable social dancer. You have come to Arthur Murray because you believe that we can provide you with the highest quality in dance instruction, not to dance with any particular instructor. These are the reasons why all of our students regularly have exchange lessons with other instructors. We have found that a team teaching approach promises that your dancing will continue to progress at a regular pace, even if one of your instructors is not able to be at the studio. At Arthur Murray, you don’t have the support of just your instructor, you have the support of the entire staff. Whether it is to be that star performer or a confident social dancer, our instructors are prepared to help you achieve your goals.